Stanford Junktique Market

Bring a basket to load up the loot and treasure that you may find by browsing through the Junktique Market. If you are a junker, don’t miss this market. When: 09:00 – 12:00 on Saturday 1 July 2017 Where: Stanford Tourism Courtyard For more information, contact or call 028 341 0340.

Penguin Plunge 2017

The Penguin Plunge is an annual Stanford Rotary Fundraiser. On the bank of the Klein River, between King and Quick Streets, 11:45 to plunge at 12:00. Entry fee is a donation from both Penguins and Chickens. There’ll be yummy hot soup, Gluhwein and hot chocolate (free for Plunging Penguins – a donation for Cheering Chickens), […]

Stanford Saturday Morning Market at Stanford Hotel Veranda

Stanford boasts its own little Saturday morning market. Bring along a basket and buy your ready-made meals and picnic ingredients at the market. Find fresh breads, pates and prepared dishes, delicious decadent cakes and pastries, banting friendly frittata and muffins, gluten-free quiches and cake, fresh farm grown vegetables, salads, heirloom seedlings, jams and fresh homemade […]

Hermanus FynArts 2017

Celebrate all things artsy this June 2017 at the annual Hermanus FynArts festival. Lasting from Friday 9 June to Sunday 18 June, this fair of visual arts, literature, music and award-winning food and wine offers a programme of the varied, quality events. This year, a limited number of reduced-rate tickets for scholars are offered for […]